Welsh Dog Names

Welsh Dog Names

"A wonderful collection of names."

Are you proud of your Welsh ancestry or do you want to name your dog for its breed origin, this page lists many famous Welsh names.

From poets to rugby players, you'll find names on this list that are a perfect match for your Corgi, your Springer or Welsh Terrier.

How about these for starters;

DALTON Timothy Dalton, (former James Bond actor)

GIFF Griff Rhys Jones, comedian

RUSH Ian Rush, soccer player (Liverpool FC's all-time top goal-scorer)

The list continues below, draw up a shortlist before picking your favorite.

BALE Christian Bale, actor
BARRY Barry Jones, rugby great
BELLAMY Craig Bellamy, soccer player
BONNIE Bonnie Tyler, singer
BURTON Richard Burton, actor
CARDIFF Capital city of Wales
CATHERINE Catherine Zeta Jones, actress
CERI Ceri Richards, painter
CHARLOTTE Charlotte Church, singer
COOPER Tommy Cooper, comedian
DAHL Roald Dahl, author (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
DALTON Timothy Dalton, actor
DAVID Patron saint of Wales
DAVIES John Rhys-Davies, actor (Sallah from the Indiana Jones movies)
DELLA Della Jones, mezzo-soprano
DESMOND Desmond Llewelyn, actor (Q in the Bond movies)
DUFFY Aimee Duffy, singer
DYLAN Dylan Thomas, poet
EVANS Clifford Evans, actor
FRANCIS Dick Francis, jockey and author

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Dog Names

GARETH Gareth Edwards, rugby player
GIGGS Ryan Giggs, soccer player
GRIFF Griff Rhys Jones, comedian
GWEN Gwen John, painter
GWYN Gwyn Thomas, poet
GWYNETH Gwyneth Jones, singer
HOPKINS Anthony Hopkins, actor
HUGHES Mark Hughes, soccer player and manager
IAN Ian Woosnam, golfer
J.J John James "J.J" Williams, rugby player
JEMMA Jemma Griffiths, singer
JENKINS Katherine Jenkins, mezzo-soprano
JONES Kelly Jones, singer and guitarist for Stereophonics
LLOYD Gareth David-Lloyd, actor
MAUDIE Maudie Edwards, actress
NEVILLE Neville Southall, soccer goalkeeper
OWEN Daniel Owen, (first author to write a novel in Welsh)
PRYCE Jonathan Pryce, actor (bad guy in the Bond movie Tommorrow Never Dies)
REGAN Robbie Regan, boxer
RHYS Rhys Davies, author
RUSH Ian Rush, soccer player

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Dog Names

RUTH Ruth Jones, actress and writer
SAUNDERS Dean Saunders, soccer player
SHIRLEY Shirley Bassey, singer
SNOWDON Highest mountain in Wales
STANLEY Henry Stanley, explorer (famously said "Dr Livingstone, I presume?")
SWANSEA City in Wales
TESSIE Tessie O'Shea, actress
THOMAS Thomas Jones, painter
TOM JONES Tom Jones, singer

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