Twilight Dog Names

Twilight Dog Names

"Twilight Names with bite!"

Stephenie Meyer's vampire phenomenon has introduced us to some great characters, with some great names.

Here are a few to get you started:

ALISTAIR: One of the European nomads

FELIXI: Volturi vampire

SASHA: Former member of the Denali coven

TANYA: Leader of the Denali coven

VLADIMIR: Romanian vampire

Choose from the pick of the bunch with our list below.

ALEC Volturi vampire
ALICE Alice Cullen, adoptive sister of Edward
ALISTAIR One of the European nomads
AMUN Member of the Egyptian coven
ARO Volturi vampire
BELLA Bella Swan, wife of Edward Cullen
BENJAMIN Member of the Egyptian coven
BILLY BLACK Jacob's father, an elder of the Quileute tribe
BRADY Young wolf of the La Push
CARLISLE Carlisle Cullen, adoptive father of the Cullen clan
CARMEN Member of the Denali coven
CAUIS Volturi vampire
CHARLIE Charlie Swan, Bella's father
CHARLOTTE One of the American nomads
CHELSEA Volturi vampire
CULLEN Edward Cullen, vampire and husband of Bella
DEMETRI Volturi vampire
ELEAZAR Member of the Denali coven
EMBRY Embry Call, member of the La Push pack
EMILY Emily Young, Same Uley's fiancee

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Dog Names

EMMETT Emmett Cullen, husband of Rosalie Hale
EPHRAIM Ephraim Black, last chief of the Quileute tribe
ERIC Eric Yorkie, classmate of Bella Swan
ESME Esme Cullen, adoptive mother of the Cullen clan
FELIXI Volturi vampire
GARRETT Member of the Denali coven
GIANNA Human secretary to the Volturi
HEIDI Volturi vampire
IRINA Member of the Alaskan coven
IRINA Former member of the Denali coven
JACOB Jacob Black, Quileute Native American werewolf
JARED Quil Ateara, member of the La Push pack
JASPER Jasper Hale, adopted son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen
KACHIRI Member of the Amazonian coven
KEBI Member of the Egyptian coven
LAUREN Lauren Mallory, classmate and rival of Bella Swan
LAURENT A member of James' coven
LEAH Leah Clearwater, female werewolf
LIAM Member of the Irish coven
MAGGIE Member of the Irish coven

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MAKENNA One of the European nomads
MARCUS Volturi vampire
NESSIE Renesmee "Nessie" Cullen, half-human, half vampire daughter of Edward and Bella
QUIL Quil Ateara, member of the La Push pack
RANDALL One of the American nomads
RENATA Volturi vampire
RILEY A member of James' coven
ROSALIE Rosalie Hale, adopted daughter of Esme and Carlisle Cullen
SAM Sam Uley, leader of the La Push werewolf pack
SASHA Former member of the Denali coven
SENNA Member of the Amazonian coven
SETH Seth Clearwater, member of the La Push pack
SIOBHAN Member of the Irish coven
STEFAN Romanian vampire
SWAN Bella Swan, wife of Edward Cullen
TANYA Leader of the Denali coven
TIA Member of the Egyptian coven
TWILIGHT Name of the series
TYLER Tyler Crowley, one of Bella Swan's classmates
VASILII Former member of the Denali coven

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Dog Names

VICTORIA A member of James' coven
VLADIMIR Romanian vampire
VOLTURI Poweful vampire coven
ZAFRINA Member of the Amazonian coven

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