Foreign Dog Names

Foreign Dog Names

"Names and meanings from around the world."

Our list got so big we had to split it off into a new page.

So, here it is - Part II of our foreign names and meanings collection.

This mega list includes names for dogs from cultures as diverse as Swahili, Welsh and Hebrew.

On our list we have names like:

KENDI: African - "Good looking"

DREW: Celtic/Gaelic - "Courageous"

LING: Chinese - "Smooth"

This is a good one too!:

MON AMI: French - "My friend"

Continue browsing and pick the one that's best suited for your new dog. It really doesn't get any easier.

(Click here for Part I: Puppy Names and Meanings.)

ALIKA African "most beautiful"
ANANDO African "bliss"
BAYO African "blessing"
DAYO African "joy arrives"
HANNA African "happiness"
KENDI African "the loved one"
LILA African "good"
ZURI African "good looking"

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Dog Names

LALA Bulgarian "tulip"
MAYA Bulgarian "mother"
RADKO Bulgarian "happy"

ALPHIN Celtic/Gaelic "white"
BOO Celtic/Gaelic "star"
CASSIDY Celtic/Gaelic "clever"
DREW Celtic/Gaelic "courageous"
ENYA Celtic/Gaelic "little fire"
KILEY Celtic/Gaelic "good looking"

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Dog Names

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BAI Chinese "white"
JIA Chinese "beautiful"
LING Chinese "delicate"
SHUN Chinese "smooth"
XIN Chinese "new"

ALAIN French "handsome"
BELLAMY French "handsome friend"
LOWELL French "beloved"
MON AMI French "my friend"
PETITE French "small"
RAINIER French "strong counselor"

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Dog Names

ARCHIBALD German "very bold"
CARINA German "friend" / "beloved"
FRANZ German "free"
GUNTHER German "brave warrior"
HEINZ German "household ruler"
LEONA German "lion"
MAXIMILLIAN German "greatest"
OTTO German "wealthy"
SPRAGUE German "alert" "lively"
ULRICH German "noble leader"
WILMA German "protector"
ARCHIBALD German "very bold"

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AURELIA Greek "golden"
CHLOE Greek "blooming"
DAMIEN Greek "sweet" "harmless"
DELPHINA Greek "little flower"
LAYNA Greek "light" / "truth"
PAVLOS Greek "small"
STELIOS Greek "star"
ZOWIE Greek "life"

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Dog Names

KALA Hawaiian "sun"
KEANNA Hawaiian "gracious"
MELE Hawaiian "beloved"
OLINA Hawaiian "joyous"

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Dog Names

ALIZA Hebrew "happy"
CHANA Hebrew "gracious"
EDEN Hebrew "delight"
EVE Hebrew "life" / "lively"
EZRA Hebrew "helper"
IVAN Hebrew "gift from God"
MARNIE Hebrew "rejoice"
PASCAL Hebrew "born on Passover"
SHANI Hebrew "red"
ZACHARY Hebrew "the Lord remembers"

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Dog Names

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AGATA Italian "kind"
ALFONSO Italian "noble & wise"
AMANDO Italian "lovable"
BAMBINO Italian "child"
BETTINA Italian "blessed"
CAPRICE Italian "fanciful"
CELSO Italian "tall"
DONATELLA Italian "beautiful gift"
DONNA Italian "lady"
FIDELIO Italian "faithful"
GEMMA Italian "a jewel"
LUCIANA Italian "light"
LUIGI Italian "warrior"
MARIO Italian "male"
MATTEO Italian "gift of God"
NINO Italian "God is gracious"
PAOLA Italian "small"
RICARDO Italian "powerful" / "brave"
ROSA Italian "rose"
ROSETTA Italian "little rose"
TINO Italian "small"
ZITA Italian "little girl"

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Dog Names

AIKO Japanese "beloved"
AKIKA Japanese "brightness"
AYKO Japanese "love child"
HOSHI Japanese "star"
KIMIKO Japanese "dear child"
KISHI Japanese "everlasting"
KOBI Japanese "joy"
MOMO Japanese "peach"
SACHI Japanese "joyful girl",
TADASHI Japanese "loyal"
YOKO Japanese "good"
YOSHI Japanese "good"

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Dog Names

CATO Latin "wise"
CRISPIN Latin "curly-haired"
ESTELLA Latin "star"
FLORA Latin "flower"
JENNA Latin "white & smooth"
LEO Latin "lion"
PAX Latin "peace" / Goddess of peace
REGINA Latin "queen"
VALERIE Latin "strong"
VIVIANA Latin "lively"

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More Foreign Dog names...

BLY Native American "tall"
LAKOTA Native American "friend"
TANSY Native American "flower"
TOKALA Native American "fox"
ZONTA Native American "honest" / "trustworthy"

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BABUSHKA Russian "grandmother"
NIKITA Russian "victory"
VILMA Russian "resolute protector"

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Dog Names

ANGELITO Spanish "little angel"
BONITA Spanish "pretty"
CATALINA Spanish "pure"
CESAR Spanish "hairy"
DOMINGO Spanish "belongs to the Lord"
ELDORA Spanish "golden"
FELIPE Spanish form of Phillip
HECTOR Spanish "defend"
JULIO Spanish "youth"
MACARIO Spanish "happy"
MIGUEL Spanish English version Michael
PANCHO Spanish "free"
PEDRO Spanish "a rock"
RAUL Spanish "wise wolf"
SALVADOR Spanish "savior"
TIBURON Spanish "shark"

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Dog Names

AMEENA Swahili "trustworthy"
BINTY Swahili "daughter"
UZURI Swahili "beauty"

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Dog Names

BRYCE Welsh "alert"
GARETH Welsh "gentle"
HOWELL Welsh "alert one"

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