Boxer Dog Names"The best place to find great Boxer names." Boxers were originally bred for hunting and are therefore very active dogs requiring regular exercise. They have a reputation of being stubborn and headstrong but are also bright, energetic and playful. Despite their size and strength they tend to be very good with children, as well as with smaller dogs and puppies. Good sources of Boxer names include their German heritage, their strength and size. Another source is names of boxing champions like Ali or Tyson, and there are also a number of 'celebrity' Boxers draw from. Here are some famous Boxer's to get you started. BRUNO: William Petersen's Boxer who appeared with him in the series CSI. CASHDOG: Boxer of Joel and Benji Madden from the band Good Charlotte. PRESLEY: Winner of reality TV show 'Greatest American Dog'.
Still want more? Check out Part II of our Boxer Puppy Names list.
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